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  X=587+X/2 X=1174

  1.数列 0,7,24,51,??

  2.是关于广告费用的问题,5cm*10cm的黑白10,000rmb;10* 20的彩色80,000; 5*20












  &n1R2K-g$x!{#vHiAll团队致力于求职培训,就业培训,商务礼仪培训,高考专业选择以及相关领域内的咨询业务。HiAll团队提供诸如简历修改,面试笔试培训等诸多信息服务,在帮助广大中国学生选择合适的大学专业、成功地找到好的工作和职业设计、职业咨询方面积累了大量的成功经验,是中国最优秀的大学生求职论坛。 结尾。有礼貌地结束。

  $o;F!C+_"BHiAll BBS 此外,字迹整洁很重要——第一印象决定了评委的心理预期。


  1)speciality: whether we could orgnise seminar for all the workers to study and discuss the new accounting rules

  2)Work efficiency: whether we could organise a course for keyboard shortcuts learing, meanwhile we can organize some relevant interesting contest, which not only could increase the communication among all the workers, but also could increase the work efficiency

  2)Work efficiency: whether we could organise a course for keyboard shortcuts learing, meanwhile we can organize some relevant interesting contest, which not only could increase the communication among all the workers, but also could increase the work efficiency


  1.professional skills:

  if it is possible to organize study and discussion of the NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARD

  2 working efficiency

  if it is possible to organize the study of shortcut key operation and corresponding funny games,thus,the communication between colleagues as well as the working efficiency will be improved


  1) Professional skills: whether if u can organize team members together to learn and discuss the new accountant rules

  2) Work efficiency: whether if u can organize team members to learn the operation of keyboard shortcuts then set up a related interesting game, therefore it will not only enhance the communications between the colleagues but also improve their work efficiency.

  1. China is now the number one of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in the world. What measures should China improve to maintain the position in the future?





  Overview of FDI in China

  China’s absorption of foreign investment is an important content of China’s fundamental principle of opening up to the outside world, and also an important component of Deng Xiaoping Theory, and is one of the great practices of building up socialist economy with Chinese characteristics. The Third Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party in 1978 confirmed over again the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, and realized the historical transformation of key work for the entire Party. It also established the basic line of focusing on the central task of economic construction, and made up the great decision of reform and opening up to the outside world. The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, was promulgated by the National People’s Congress in 1979, then the work of utilizing foreign capital as an important content of opening up to the outside world initiated as China’s fundamental principle. After twenty years of great efforts, the scale of absorbing foreign capital increasingly expanded as well as the level was increasingly upgraded when China’s law and managerial system on foreign investment have been gradually perfected. The achievements won the whole world’s attention, which effectively promoted the continuous, fast and healthy development of national economy.

  I The basic means of China’s absorption of foreign investments

  The foreign investments are basically spanided into direct investment and other means of investment. The direct investment, which is widely adopted, includes Sino-foreign joint ventures, joint exploitation and exclusively foreign-owned enterprises, foreign-funded share-holding companies and joint development. The other means of investment includes compensation trade and processing and assembling.

  1. Sino-foreign joint ventures

  Sino-foreign joint ventures are also known as share-holding corporations. They are formed in China with joint capitals by foreign companies, enterprises, other economic organizations and inspaniduals with Chinese companies, enterprises, other economic organizations and inspaniduals. The main feature is that the joint parties invest together, operate together, take risk according to the ratio of their capitals and take responsibility of losses and profits. The capitals from different parties are translated into the ratios of capitals, and in general the capital from foreign party should not be lower than 25%.

  The Sino-foreign joint ventures are among the first forms of China’s absorption of foreign direct investment and they account for the biggest part. At Psent they are still a great part in the absorption of foreign investments.

  2. Cooperative businesses

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