

  We do not foresee any existing taxes being abolished. However, there are some scholars suggesting a complete reform of the business tax and to apply VAT to all business taxable activities.



  1 回EMAIL,告诉你的老板(安永的老板)最新的销售数据,并对公司未来在二级城市的扩张计划给予建议,若公司要在二级城市建立OFFICE,什么城市比较适合?


  Alice is going back in 3days,she asks for your information as follows:

  How's our new TV Advertisement going

  What's your advice for our strategy

  What do you think is the best strategy to approach our Brand strategy in China

  2.Charts of the 2004 oil company revenue

  ExxconM,BP,Shell,Etion...(cannot remember),other (共5个矩形图,标出2004年的收入)

  why you think the 4 company's revenue is different

  what you think these companies will affect on the oil market

  why you think these companies revenue is increasing dramatically from 2004


  +z&[*A:P!N大学生求职,培训,找工作,笔试,面试,简历,求职资料,求职大礼包 A,处理一些关于接待ambassador的detail

  6E:` ]7y4A*|)P(X-O(n B,你对现已形成的计划有什么看法

  'G"@"])q+U:p$G'o$t大学生求职,培训,找工作,笔试,面试,简历,求职资料,求职大礼包 C,对于这次访问如何给大使留下深刻印象,提提你的建议

  "@+U!_.i7n9C+yHiAll团队致力于求职培训,就业培训,商务礼仪培训,高考专业选择以及相关领域内的咨询业务。HiAll团队提供诸如简历修改,面试笔试培训等诸多信息服务,在帮助广大中国学生选择合适的大学专业、成功地找到好的工作和职业设计、职业咨询方面积累了大量的成功经验,是中国最优秀的大学生求职论坛。 (别忘了写收件人)

  +|)A(L9r4]大学生求职,培训,找工作,笔试,面试,简历,求职资料,求职大礼包2,关于Annual Traffic Death的柱状图写report,写三方面内容:

  %v-r0l5C7p*~大学生求职,培训,找工作,笔试,面试,简历,求职资料,求职大礼包 A ,为什么你认为各个国家间存在差异?大学生求职,培训,找工作,笔试,面试,简历,求职资料,求

  B,如果假设美国司机仅仅是在边际安全感上优于中国司机,why or why not?

  ;S%r8J1U4{ C, increase of car ownership 对此图的影响



  EMAIL:9I3E.[%Z1p;W(Q&D3owww.hiall.com.cnTELL THE ambassador 要来到访的 DETAIL

  .`!v8s#N S5w4J;b*m大学生求职,培训,找工作,笔试,面试,简历,求职资料,求职大礼包your proposal of his visit

  suggestions for him to have a 难忘的经历


  1)描述一个inefficient procedure;



  我觉得实习真是给我提供了不少素材,想起当初成天在文件堆里刨资料,我就盼着等全计算机化了我就按一个ctrl-f就全搞定了,又快又可靠多好啊。又想起当初Vivian老和her laptop较劲,我就想要是升一下级多好啊。再想起当初在消防通道里被全楼的烟民薰得头晕脑胀,就更是痛陈办公室吸烟的危害性。最后还不忘强调一下“People First”啊“Quality in everything we do”啊这样的标志性话语。大学生


  1)5H,x%{7k5i"t+H9R%F大学生求职,培训,找工作,笔试,面试,简历,求职资料,求职大礼包tell her the managerial expense account procedure

  1[5V#e%R'y"{(z1I,P2V(N大学生求职,培训,找工作,笔试,面试,简历,求职资料,求职大礼包2)inquire he why most manager are over budget on expense

  3)your suggestion on minimizing the managerial expenditure

  write a letter to your manager, including three things:

  a. the sales forecast of the next month

  )@*I/f7t,P:N!f/s+IHiAll团队致力于求职培训,就业培训,商务礼仪培训,高考专业选择以及相关领域内的咨询业务。HiAll团队提供诸如简历修改,面试笔试培训等诸多信息服务,在帮助广大中国学生选择合适的大学专业、成功地找到好的工作和职业设计、职业咨询方面积累了大量的成功经验,是中国最优秀的大学生求职论坛。b. the budget increase of cover training (maybe...)

  c. a suggestion about the new accounting procedure

  写一封信给你的manager, 三个内容:

  1. Arrangement of a meeting;

  2. The reason why you are late for the conference;

  3. report the progress of your project.

  (150-200words 35分)



  2) Will china's property boom continue

  3) Adavantages and disadvantages of investment in west region of china

  4) The effect of dievalue of RMB

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