

  娜奥米·坎贝尔(Naomi Campbell),全球最著名的模特,也是多宗伤害案的主角,她袭击的对象从管家、助理、警官到摄影师,不一而足。

  黑珍珠Naomi Campbell(娜奥米•坎贝尔)经常在自己Instagram账号上通过分享励志名言来与近百万的关注者们交流自己的人生感悟。经历过大起大落的Naomi Campbell绝对从自己的人生经历从学到了一些你也值得借鉴的宝贵经验。


  1.太多人过分低估真实的自我,却过分高估不真实的自我。(Too many people undervalue what they are, and overvalue what they’re not)

  2.别人说我看起来满不在乎,我坦白地告诉他们我是真的完全不在乎。(They say I act like I don’t give a f*ck, I tell them I’m not acting。)

  3.终有一天,所有困难都会迎刃而解。所以现在即使你心有疑虑,即使在流泪,也请尽管放声大笑,并不断提醒自己:所有发生的事情都自有其原因。(Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason。)

  4.到目前为止,所有发生在你身上的事情都是在为未来某个即将到来的时刻做准备。不要因为不耐烦就选择退缩,因为上帝最好的奖赏即将来到。(Every single thing that has ever happened to you up until right now was Pparing you for a moment that is yet to come. Don’t go back to less just because you are too impatient to wait on God’s best!)

  5.别人会忘记你所说的话,也会忘记你所做的事,但不会忘记你给他们带来的感觉——Maya Angelou(People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel——Maya Angelou)

  6.亲爱的上帝,我想特地抽出一分钟,不向你祈求任何事物,仅仅只是对你表示感谢,感激我现在所拥有的一切。(Dear God, I wanna take a minute, not to ask for anything from you, but simply to say thank you, for all I have。)

  7.你应该让自己身边充满那些陪你一起淋雨的朋友,而不是那些只能和你一起享受阳光的人。(Surround yourself with positive people who will support you when it rains, not just when it shines。)

  8.你在背后说你慢跑伙伴的坏话时,那么我无法尊重你。(I can’t respect you if you talk shit about the people you run with)

  9.有时候,别人可能因为过于愧疚而没有抱歉。大方地原谅他们吧!有时候尽管你没有得到他人的抱歉,你也要学会原谅他人。原谅能为你带来祝福。(Sometimes, people haven’t apologized because they’re ashamed. Forgive them anyway! Sometimes you have to be okay with a sorry you never got. Forgiveness unblocks your blessing。)

  10.失败永远都不是你的选择之一。(Failure is never an option)

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